Shropshire Triathlon

The Mere, Cremorne Gardens, Ellesmere SY12 0PA

Sunday 3rd September 2023

Why not come along and watch an exciting day with hundreds of competitors entering The Triathalon which is set in Cremorne Gardens at the side of The Mere.

The Standard Triathlon will be the first of three top quality British Triathlon qualifying events for the European Age Group Championships.

The Race consists of a 1500m swim around The Mere, which is 1.5km and is a one-lap, anti-clockwise diamond shape course.

A 40km bike starts from The Mere and then proceeds around the surrounding district.

Starting from The Mere it heads out to Whitchurch via Welshampton and Bronington. Before reaching Whitchurch the race heads towards Wrexham and turns off to Hanmer then Penley finally reaching Overtun. The race then heads back to Ellesmere.

Finishing with a 10km run around Ellesmere. The run route will start and finish at the Mere Transition Area by the landing stage. It will be sign-posted and marshalled. It is an “Out and Back” route shaped in the letter “Y”, with the common point at the rear entrance to the Cremorne Gardens.

  • Registration, swim start, transition and finish line all within a stones throw of each other
  • Open water swim in The Mere
  • Shropshire & Welsh countryside bike course
  • Closed to traffic road run course
  • Chip Timed & PRINTED RESULTS as you cross the line!
  • Official event photographer capturing your bike, run & finish
  • Finishers medal for everyone

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