Welcome to the SY12 Business and Social Enterprise Network, proudly supported by Project SY12. Formerly known as the Ellesmere Chamber of Commerce, our network has undergone a transformation to better serve the businesses, charities, and groups within the SY12 Area. In early 2024, Project SY12 CIC absorbed the chamber, infusing it with renewed energy and expanded offerings. Today, we stand as a vibrant community hub dedicated to empowering enterprises and social initiatives alike. Join us in shaping the future of SY12, where collaboration and growth thrive hand in hand.

Ready to join?

Join the SY12 Network


Ellesmere Pulse Logo

Welcome to Ellesmere Pulse, your Digital Town HUB where businesses, community groups, and social enterprises converge to thrive and connect with their local residents and visitors alike. Whether you’re a bustling enterprise or a community initiative, Ellesmere Pulse offers you a platform to showcase your offerings, events, and engage with your target audience like never before.

For Businesses:

Join our growing community of businesses by signing up for a £10 per month subscription. With this subscription, you gain access to a host of features designed to boost your visibility and enhance your connection with customers. Showcase your offers, promote your events, and track footfall to your business with ease.

Ready to take your presence to the next level?


For Community Groups and Social Enterprises:

At Ellesmere Pulse, we understand the importance of community engagement. That’s why we offer a tailored solution for community groups and social enterprises to make their mark. Choose between listing as a business with our fixed £60 per year one-off payment.

Ready to make a difference? Click Here to secure your spot on our platform.


For Occasional Event Hosts:

Hosting an event but don’t need a full subscription? No problem! At Ellesmere Pulse, we cater to all needs. For those hosting one or two events a year, simply submit your event details to us for a fixed fee of £25 per event. We’ll ensure your event gets the exposure it deserves on Pulse.

Ready to get your event noticed? Submit your event details now.

Join Ellesmere Pulse today and gain access to a captive audience, amplify your presence, and make meaningful connections within your community. Whether you’re a business, community group, or an occasional event host, Pulse is your ultimate digital companion for local engagement and growth.


Ready to join?

Join the SY12 Network