
Thank you for joining the Ellesmere Chamber of Commerce.

First up – Every business member can be listed on the ellesmere.info website to maximise your exposure to our local community and visitors. It would be great if you could do this now, it only takes a few minutes – so we can keep the website membership right up to date !

In order to do so we need to capture the information you would like to present – what you will need  (all quick and easy things!)

  1. A maximum of 3 images that reflect your business, be it products, your personal profile image, or a premise etc. The format / size needs to be in ideally in a square format sized 300 x 300 px (if you’re not sure then simply upload what you have and we will do our best to resize/format for you). Please upload a minimum of one !
  2. Which Business Category you wish you appear under (easy selection from the dropdown)
  3. Your Business Address and contact details
  4. Your Social Media accounts – we will also use these to follow you.
  5. Your Business web address

Please complete the form with the details or use it to update any existing listing you may have if you have renewed your Membership.

Hit submit and we will take care of the rest 🙂

This is a Chamber Members service for website listing. Please ensure you are logged into your account to submit your entry or changes.